Making a Deal

(fine print) must put up with its attempts to make you feel better about yourself.
sign here please… perfect! You are a fantastic creature.

Would you make a deal? Would it be a good one? I suppose that depends on who you are… and if you read the fine print.

Last week I said I am working on something for Cute or Creepy, and it is a Cute or Creepy coloring book! It will have about 25 pictures, no repeats of what is on here, and my current plan for release is in October. I also said I would give you all a sneak peek, and so I shall deliver!

a little peek

This one is the latest addition to it, and probably one of my favorites so far.

Hope you all have a wonderful week!

It’s a Pink Horse

Ever since a kid ran up to it declaring that it’s a pink horse, it has calmly corrected anyone that says otherwise. It has resulted in a bit of confusion amongst tourists and those new to the village, but no one wants to argue with the thing because, A. it protects the local food crops, and B. it’s a DRAGON! That’s like arguing with a brick wall. If brick walls could breathe fire, and make you disappear with a single bite. Oh! If you ever see it at a party, and it asks if you want to see a magic trick? SAY NO! Or somebody’s gonna end up covered in dragon drool, and that stuff is a pain to get out of anything!

The Great Protector Of Children

Before you scream or shout, let me explain what exactly you are seeing. That thing is keeping that baby safe in a collapsing building. It is the great protector of children. With the spines on its back, stronger than any known material, it can create a protective cocoon around its self and any child it’s holding. And its marking serve as a calming focus for children, and a warning for those that wish them harm.

Life: Still no idea why it wasn’t working last week, but my scanner is working again!

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