sign here please… perfect! You are a fantastic creature.
Would you make a deal? Would it be a good one? I suppose that depends on who you are… and if you read the fine print.
Last week I said I am working on something for Cute or Creepy, and it is a Cute or Creepy coloring book! It will have about 25 pictures, no repeats of what is on here, and my current plan for release is in October. I also said I would give you all a sneak peek, and so I shall deliver!
a little peek
This one is the latest addition to it, and probably one of my favorites so far.
I’M BACK!!!!! I apologize for dropping off like that. With redoing all of the old ones, I lost some of the love and connection with the art I was making, and as the world started up again I got more and more responsibilities and was having a hard time juggling them all, so this got set on the back burner and slowly moved to the freezer. I kept want to come back to this, and I was having a hard time figuring out how, since I’ve misplaced some of my materials, and the thought of continuing to redo the old stuff made me a little sad. Then in the past week or so I thought, what if I do it like before and use whatever is on hand? so I grabbed a good old A1 paper, some brush and line pens, and next thing I know this critter is ready to say hi! and I am excited about what I’m doing again! So, hello again!
That being said. While it may be a bit before I post videos, or redo an old one. I am/have been working on a special something for Cute or Creepy, and I will give you all a little sneak peek soon. Thank you for your patience, I hope you have a wonderful Independence Day, and your week trends toward improvement!
P.S. I have also learned that my current upload method doesn’t like big pictures unless the dpi is low… :-I
This is Tulip. She is not a bat. What is she? No idea. I know she is transitioning from a winter to a summer coat, floating, and about as tall as the average basketball player. She also gives great hugs, and is an excellent listener if you ever need an ear.