I’ve Melted!

It got really hot this week! We were in the hundreds since Sunday, went to 109°F on Wednesday, then dropped down to 93°F on Thursday. The week before that, the highest was a 91°F. So the weather threw me for a loop. Some people I know really enjoyed it, and I’m really happy they did. I think I handled it pretty well. It did cause a can of seltzer to pop in my dad’s car while I was driving it, which made it smell like a baked good for a while awhile.

I was also scared to make a drawing during this time, because I wasn’t sure how the heat would affect my pens, and had a hard time finding an answer to that. I have found some answers to related things, and it seems like it might ok… I suppose it’s one of those “try it and see” things that I’ll do at some point.

Hope you all have a wonderful week, stay cool, and remember to stay hydrated!

It’s a Pink Horse

Ever since a kid ran up to it declaring that it’s a pink horse, it has calmly corrected anyone that says otherwise. It has resulted in a bit of confusion amongst tourists and those new to the village, but no one wants to argue with the thing because, A. it protects the local food crops, and B. it’s a DRAGON! That’s like arguing with a brick wall. If brick walls could breathe fire, and make you disappear with a single bite. Oh! If you ever see it at a party, and it asks if you want to see a magic trick? SAY NO! Or somebody’s gonna end up covered in dragon drool, and that stuff is a pain to get out of anything!

Tulip Not A Bat

This is Tulip. She is not a bat. What is she? No idea. I know she is transitioning from a winter to a summer coat, floating, and about as tall as the average basketball player. She also gives great hugs, and is an excellent listener if you ever need an ear.

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