Do you think a monster would survive under this ‘bed’?
This one was inspired by my bed eating my phone, and it was quite a pain to get it back. I had to take it apart a little, which is not something you want to be doing when you were about to go to sleep. That being said, I’m really happy with how this turned out! Especially considering I didn’t have a reference in front of me, or get up to go look at it!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and sleep well!
Decided to work on a little shading with this one, and I’m pretty happy with it today! I have noticed that I am generally happier with how my art is turning out right now, and I think some of that is because I’m allowing my art to just be what it is, and not pressuring myself to do more than I’m ready for yet.
Also, if you noticed those shadows on the top and bottom of this piece, it’s because I’m using regular old printer paper which wrinkles from all the ink that gets put on it. Sometimes it even causes the tape to unstick from the board!… This one did that… to be fair the current tape already has a hard time sticking anyway. Which is nice because it means you don’t have to worry about it tearing the paper, the flip side is the not staying on the board which can lead to your paper getting beat up. Maybe I’ll try a mix next time.
And incase you didn’t notice, there has been a change to the comments section which should make it a little easier for some people to leave one! No pressure though.
I’M BACK!!!!! I apologize for dropping off like that. With redoing all of the old ones, I lost some of the love and connection with the art I was making, and as the world started up again I got more and more responsibilities and was having a hard time juggling them all, so this got set on the back burner and slowly moved to the freezer. I kept want to come back to this, and I was having a hard time figuring out how, since I’ve misplaced some of my materials, and the thought of continuing to redo the old stuff made me a little sad. Then in the past week or so I thought, what if I do it like before and use whatever is on hand? so I grabbed a good old A1 paper, some brush and line pens, and next thing I know this critter is ready to say hi! and I am excited about what I’m doing again! So, hello again!
That being said. While it may be a bit before I post videos, or redo an old one. I am/have been working on a special something for Cute or Creepy, and I will give you all a little sneak peek soon. Thank you for your patience, I hope you have a wonderful Independence Day, and your week trends toward improvement!
P.S. I have also learned that my current upload method doesn’t like big pictures unless the dpi is low… :-I
Before you scream or shout, let me explain what exactly you are seeing. That thing is keeping that baby safe in a collapsing building. It is the great protector of children. With the spines on its back, stronger than any known material, it can create a protective cocoon around its self and any child it’s holding. And its marking serve as a calming focus for children, and a warning for those that wish them harm.
Life: Still no idea why it wasn’t working last week, but my scanner is working again!
This is Tulip. She is not a bat. What is she? No idea. I know she is transitioning from a winter to a summer coat, floating, and about as tall as the average basketball player. She also gives great hugs, and is an excellent listener if you ever need an ear.
Got ready to go in his best, looked in the mirror and found his flowers a mess. So he’s going for a trim. Not a lot! Just a skim. After a little chat, about this and that, while the scissors are going, snip and snap. He leaves with a smile on his face, and a peculiar feeling he can’t quite place.
My question is, did he go to a barber or a florist?!
This one always brings a smile to my face. It’s a Buff Flower Guy! How could it not?! And I’m Pretty sure it’s the kind of person that absently finds every opportunity to flex and show it’s muscles. Whether it’s at the gym lifting weights, or the kitchen table drinking tea!
Life has a lot of ups and downs, and this guy took a bit of a tumble. So his friends decided to give him a little helping hand… although… I think they went a little overboard.
From a snake on a wall, staring at a flower from a sad mans head. To a smiling plant creature, while a butterfly and raindrop pass over head. Just another day in the life of this strange little world, where cute and creepy are continually swirled.