Elegant and graceful, it leaps and sways. Twirling and swirling everyday. Practicing the serpentine ribbon dance, for that great parade of chance. Where all who see and hear, have better luck throughout the year.
Side note: I should be back to the once a week posting schedule!
I wanted to post a critter today. I even crammed the coloring in-between Conference sessions (Happy General Conference by the way!) and dyeing eggs. But when I get to scanning? Doesn’t work. Do I know why? Nope! Hopefully I’ll get it figured out by next Saturday, and if that doesn’t happen… I guess I get a new one? In the meantime, a little update! I have a job right now! And with my other responsibilities, it’s been leaving me a bit mentally exhausted. Hopefully I can get into the swing of things and post without cramming, but until then, I’m probably going to move posting to every other week… If I can get a working scanner… Yeah, that should get figured out first. Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful Easter, and happy week!
Due to some technical difficulties this week, there is no picture today. And I’m having some mixed feelings over this. On the one hand, I’m happy, because it’s given me the time and energy to work on some things I’d been setting aside. On the other hand, I feel sad, because there’s no art to share with you. I suppose that’s about all I wanted to say, except that I hope you are doing well, and I will “see” you later!
He has lot of wonderful things in his shop, but the most amazing thing is how you never see the rest of him, no matter where you are!
I’ll be changing posting to once a week, because I have some things I need to take care of. Hopefully it won’t take too long. I hope you are having a good day, and I will be posting next Saturday!
Cute or Creepy? You decide. Vote by three to change the tide. (voting ends by 3PM PST tomorrow)
Happy New Year’s Eve everybody! Even though this year has been a crazy mess, I hope you still have things to laugh about from it, and maybe it’s made you love what you have even more!
This year will be bringing some changes to cuteorcreepy. Starting next week I will: 1. be posting less often, but with (hopefully) better art, starting with the redoing of what I’ve already posted, on a Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday schedule. 2. Actually having titles/names for these things when I post them (even though I don’t like influencing what you guys think of them), because it’s supposed to make them easier to find on #3, maybe on google too, I don’t know, I’m still learning… you can still comment on them though, I love hearing what you think! 3. I’m working on getting some cuteorcreepy merchandise set up! I’m going to start on redbubble, see how that goes, and I’ll look into what’s next! Be safe out there! And I’ll “see” you tomorrow!
No picture today, as I was busy helping a friend. Therefore! Yesterday’s picture is still up for voting, I will let tally them on Monday, and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
General Conference starts tomorrow! Therefore, I will not be posting on Saturday, but voting time is extended (of course). So leave a comment to let me know what you think of it, and I will do my best to interpret them on monday! Hope you all have a good weekend!
well… I made another video (8-28), and it’s about ten minutes long, but it took about five hours to edit. So I’ll post that one, and I’ll still be recording. I just won’t post any more of those until I have a better setup. Hope you all have a fantastic day!