sign here please… perfect! You are a fantastic creature.
Would you make a deal? Would it be a good one? I suppose that depends on who you are… and if you read the fine print.
Last week I said I am working on something for Cute or Creepy, and it is a Cute or Creepy coloring book! It will have about 25 pictures, no repeats of what is on here, and my current plan for release is in October. I also said I would give you all a sneak peek, and so I shall deliver!
a little peek
This one is the latest addition to it, and probably one of my favorites so far.
I’M BACK!!!!! I apologize for dropping off like that. With redoing all of the old ones, I lost some of the love and connection with the art I was making, and as the world started up again I got more and more responsibilities and was having a hard time juggling them all, so this got set on the back burner and slowly moved to the freezer. I kept want to come back to this, and I was having a hard time figuring out how, since I’ve misplaced some of my materials, and the thought of continuing to redo the old stuff made me a little sad. Then in the past week or so I thought, what if I do it like before and use whatever is on hand? so I grabbed a good old A1 paper, some brush and line pens, and next thing I know this critter is ready to say hi! and I am excited about what I’m doing again! So, hello again!
That being said. While it may be a bit before I post videos, or redo an old one. I am/have been working on a special something for Cute or Creepy, and I will give you all a little sneak peek soon. Thank you for your patience, I hope you have a wonderful Independence Day, and your week trends toward improvement!
P.S. I have also learned that my current upload method doesn’t like big pictures unless the dpi is low… :-I
He may not understand why you don’t eat bugs, but he will always have your back and an encouraging word, because he believes in you!
Tada! The first one up with the new changes, and you can find it (and future ones) on Redbubble at, and the next one will be up overmorrow! (incase you couldn’t tell, I’m very excited about these developments.) I hope you are all doing well, and even though I’ve told you what I think of these, I love hearing what you all think of them!