He may not understand why you don’t eat bugs, but he will always have your back and an encouraging word, because he believes in you!
Tada! The first one up with the new changes, and you can find it (and future ones) on Redbubble at https://www.redbubble.com/people/reklawsiwel/shop?asc=u, and the next one will be up overmorrow! (incase you couldn’t tell, I’m very excited about these developments.) I hope you are all doing well, and even though I’ve told you what I think of these, I love hearing what you all think of them!
Cute or Creepy? You decide. Vote by three to change the tide. (voting ends by 3PM PST tomorrow)
Happy New Year’s Eve everybody! Even though this year has been a crazy mess, I hope you still have things to laugh about from it, and maybe it’s made you love what you have even more!
This year will be bringing some changes to cuteorcreepy. Starting next week I will: 1. be posting less often, but with (hopefully) better art, starting with the redoing of what I’ve already posted, on a Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday schedule. 2. Actually having titles/names for these things when I post them (even though I don’t like influencing what you guys think of them), because it’s supposed to make them easier to find on #3, maybe on google too, I don’t know, I’m still learning… you can still comment on them though, I love hearing what you think! 3. I’m working on getting some cuteorcreepy merchandise set up! I’m going to start on redbubble, see how that goes, and I’ll look into what’s next! Be safe out there! And I’ll “see” you tomorrow!