The Great Protector Of Children

Before you scream or shout, let me explain what exactly you are seeing. That thing is keeping that baby safe in a collapsing building. It is the great protector of children. With the spines on its back, stronger than any known material, it can create a protective cocoon around its self and any child it’s holding. And its marking serve as a calming focus for children, and a warning for those that wish them harm.

Life: Still no idea why it wasn’t working last week, but my scanner is working again!

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Swanlike Serpents Of Sabered-Tooth

The rain starts to fall as they make their way to shore, and they realize their job needs to be done quickly. They start to slither through the giant grass, looking for those that are lost, and awakening those that are sleeping. Gently herding them to safety as the storm sets in. For many a traveler the sight of these giant swanlike serpents is quite startling, especially with their sabered-tooth, and results in their job being harder as people run away. Their solution, when there isn’t enough time to be nice, is to scoop them up with head or tail and hopefully find someone who can explain on the way back.

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