Fun with Plants (there’s a lot today, so bear with me)

Don’t worry! I’m not disappearing again! Last week was just REALLY busy. There were birthdays, a party, medical appointments, another thing, AND getting ready for General Conference! Combined with the other things I usually do in a week, and I’m surprised I made a coloring page! (it’s for the recovering perfectionist series as I’m going to try to alternate publications)

All that being said, this week was a bit more like I’m used to, and I was able to try an idea I had a few weeks ago. Said idea: press some plants and draw what I see in what they leave behind. If that doesn’t tell you how little I know flower pressing, this next bit might. Only the dandelions left anything, two of which also had brown with the yellow.

However! Not wanting to be deterred from my quest to make SOMETHING this week, I went over them with brush pens and then pressed them, individually, onto the paper… like very annoying stamps… and then proceeded with the rest of the idea!

My thoughts on it? It’s fun and whimsical, while also providing a kind of base to work from. However, it may be a few more steps then I have time or energy for, and I’m not sure how well a larger singular creature would work. Either way, I think it’s good creative exercise.

I hope you all have a wonderful month, and that I will see you here again in May!

P.S. I may need to rethink posting time, as the videos are currently posted at the same time as these, which I think means I can’t embed them till I get up, and I get up LATE compared to most people.

P.P.S. turns out it will embed it once available!

A Moment of Peace

My scanner and I had some disagreements about colors again.

This piece was inspired by my backyard, the growing season coming up, a call to artists at my local art center, and my own wishes for a moment of peace.

In other news: I finally have some author copies on their way, should be here next week. My vinyl cutter is set up and I’ve been having some fun designing things, and now have some fun little sticker things to play with and figure out what to do with. I now have cards with my website and YouTube on them. And my garlic is sprouting!

Here’s the link if you want to watch me make it

Hope you all are well, and can find your own moments of peace!

Swanlike Serpents Of Sabered-Tooth

The rain starts to fall as they make their way to shore, and they realize their job needs to be done quickly. They start to slither through the giant grass, looking for those that are lost, and awakening those that are sleeping. Gently herding them to safety as the storm sets in. For many a traveler the sight of these giant swanlike serpents is quite startling, especially with their sabered-tooth, and results in their job being harder as people run away. Their solution, when there isn’t enough time to be nice, is to scoop them up with head or tail and hopefully find someone who can explain on the way back.

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Tulip Not A Bat

This is Tulip. She is not a bat. What is she? No idea. I know she is transitioning from a winter to a summer coat, floating, and about as tall as the average basketball player. She also gives great hugs, and is an excellent listener if you ever need an ear.

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