Guard Duty

Decided to work on a little shading with this one, and I’m pretty happy with it today! I have noticed that I am generally happier with how my art is turning out right now, and I think some of that is because I’m allowing my art to just be what it is, and not pressuring myself to do more than I’m ready for yet.

Also, if you noticed those shadows on the top and bottom of this piece, it’s because I’m using regular old printer paper which wrinkles from all the ink that gets put on it. Sometimes it even causes the tape to unstick from the board!… This one did that… to be fair the current tape already has a hard time sticking anyway. Which is nice because it means you don’t have to worry about it tearing the paper, the flip side is the not staying on the board which can lead to your paper getting beat up. Maybe I’ll try a mix next time.

And incase you didn’t notice, there has been a change to the comments section which should make it a little easier for some people to leave one! No pressure though.

Hope you all have a wonderful week!