My scanner evidently hates colored pencils, because the horns and eyes turned out pretty good, and the sky and grass lost some color and coverage.
On another note. A few weeks ago one of my aunts asked how much I make on Redbubble, and since I’ve only had one sale during covid to one of my brothers, I didn’t know. Since then, I have looked at it, and I figured I’d share my answer here. Everything I have on Redbubble is currently at a 20% markup/artists margin, and the prices you see on there are the base+20%, so I would make .45 on a 2.69 sticker and 57.49 on a 344.96 metal print. I even went and made myself a spread sheet with a lot of the numbers and if it rounded up or down by less than a cent.
I think I was pushing myself a little to hard when I started Redbubble, so it’s kinda on a back burner right now. However, if I make something and you would like to see or have it on something, let me know and you might see it there!
Hope you are all having a wonderful time, and stay safe out there!