The Brethren


Pardon the quality of picture. I have a new computer, and am still setting things up, so I’m using my phone for this one.

Playing around with water color again, however this time I have some water color paints from a travel kit I got. So far I’ve found them better for larger areas of one color and mixing the color you want, and I think pencils are better for detail and shifts from one color to another. However it has been a while since I’ve work with the pencils, so my memory could be off on that.

Another thing I’ve started doing for this, is having a little blank note pad to sketch and put the very basic composition and shapes in. Which may seem like a no-brainer to you, however it wasn’t something I was used to doing, and I think that had a huge part in my burn out. Once I drew something, it was done, finished, no need to come back to it. So my sketchbooks were filled with either things I considered finished, messy doodle pages, or unfinished. And when I started sharing my art on here, all of a sudden I felt like all of the things I made had to look good. And the weight of things needing to look good, combined with the one and done-ness of how I was making art, took a huge toll on my creativity and enjoyment of making these creatures. Jury’s still out on the frequency of posting.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and a lovely Valentine’s day this month! See you in the next!

A Special Gift (update!)

Merry belated Christmas, and Happy New Year!!!!!

As of writing this post, the Cute or Creepy Coloring Book is in review at Amazon!!!! I’m so excited! And I hope you enjoy it when it’s ready!

And apologies for dropping off the planet again. There was a problem with WordPress, life got busy in the little ways, and extra time and energy was directed to getting the book ready.

In other news. There has been a change with how the hosting works, so there is now a data limit, which means posting will be limited to once a month for now. That being said, I will be working on posting more in other places. I have some ideas for YouTube, one of which may surprise you, and am figuring out Instagram as well.

Hope you are all well, and have a wonderful week!

Update! The book is now live!!!!!!